About Me
Don't you miss the old dirty south days when music actually had a message? When the artists were actually saying something? Well, the wait is over. The real is back. Straight from the Dec (Decatur). He goes by the name Blackwind.
Also known as Not Ur Average Joe, Blackwind, whose government name is Joe Polain-King. He was born August 13, 1987 at Grady Hospital and raised in Decatur, Ga in a small apartment complex Swanton Heights. This is where he had his first run in with music and was influenced by older cousins and a local rap group Cesz. Residents would gather under the tree
and make beats. Cesz, which was a group of four at the time would go back and forth as Blackwind would sit and listen.
At the age of 7, Blackwind wrote his first rap, "Chilling in Decatur."The Rest is history, a legend was made.
He moved to Lithonia, Ga at the age of 8, where Blackwind met other guys with the same passion he had about music. This group of guys started out rapping on the porch off of popular instrumentals. In time, they became known as Pimpinvill The Movement (PVM) – a group of solo artists who all had different styles.
But Blackwind stood out and had a strong work ethic. He started off by recording on karaoke machines to put together albums, and before long the he had 32 albums featuring an average of 20 songs a piece. He would record everyone in the squad. He even started recording videos on his camera phone and editing them with computer software.
In 2012, Blackwind founded his own record label at the age of 24. Being that it was under the tree where he fell in love with music. Thats exactly what he named it, UNDER THE TREE RECORDS LTD. CO.
Since then, he has uploaded over 100 videos on YouTube(youtube.com/211Prince).
There is also 17 albums, 10 solos and 7 collaborations on websites such as Datpiff, Livemixtapes, Soundcloud, Itunes, Spotify, Google play, and Apple Music. You can find Blacwind’s major projects such as Dopebook "The Cookup" which was hosted by Dj Dirty Yella. Dopebook 2 "The Re-Up which was hosted by none other than Hot 107.9, MMG'S own Dj A-Plus, and songs produced by Don P (Trillville), J.Reid(Chevi Music), and BricksdaMane.
So beware, a local artist is on his way mainstream. His name is Blackwind. Follow his movement.